
Campus Iberus participa activamente en proyectos de Investigación e Innovación, Educación Superior y Formación, colaboración Universidad-Empresa y Emprendimiento, y Movilidad Internacional a través de los principales programas europeos de financiación (Horizonte 2020, Erasmus+), programas nacionales y acciones de financiación privada mediante colaboración con empresas y otras instituciones del entorno. Estos son algunos ejemplos de proyectos en los que participamos y hemos participado:




Funding institution: European Commission
Programme: Horizon Europe
Call/Topic/Action: HORIZON-MSCA-2023-COFUND-01, Doctoral Programme
Project ID: 101178498
Duration: 60 months
Start/End Dates: 01/01/2025 – 31/12/2029
Budget: 4.882.325 €
Requested EU Contribution:  2.704.800 €
Coordinator: Consorcio Campus Iberus (ES)
Partners: University of Zaragoza (ES), Public University of Navarra (ES), University of La Rioja (ES), University of Lleida (ES).
Associated partners: Gobierno de Aragón, Gobierno de Navarra, Generalitat de Catalunya, Gobierno de La Rioja.
Summary: IberusINTERDOC is an International Doctoral Programme of 4 Interconnected Universities of Campus Iberus aimed at recruiting 23 Doctoral Candidates of excellence to develop Interdisciplinary PhD projects for 48 months in the RIS3 research areas of Campus Iberus territories (Aragon, Navarra, La Rioja and Lleida in Catalonia). The IberusINTERDOC Programme will have 2 recruitment calls open for 2 months. The evaluation process is arranged to last 4 months, so that the recruitment and appointments will be no later than M12 (1st call) and M19 (2nd call) to offer 48 months contracts. The last 6 months of the contracts will be fully financed by own funds of Campus Iberus universities to cover 4 years even if exceeding the programme duration (M60+6 months). The research lines offered will cover the 5 strategic areas of Campus Iberus: 1) Agri-Food & Nutrition; 2) Health Technologies; 3) Energy & Sustainability; 4) Social & Territorial Development; 5) Circular Bio-Economy.
The programme will offer the Doctoral Candidates excellent supervision and professional development, counting with 48 potential supervisory team pre-screened for their experience and work in multidisciplinary projects and large networks of collaborators. A total of 116 organisations from academic (48%) and non-academic sectors (52%) are supporting this programme to provide secondments, trainings and career enhancing opportunities to the future researchers. This will be further complemented with the special training programme organised by Campus Iberus and numerous networking events. The talent attraction aimed at this programme will make an imprint on the internationalisation and excellence that is long lasting at the institutional, regional, national and international levels.
More information:



Entidad financiadora: Fundación Española para la Ciencia y la Tecnología – Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades.
Programa: Plan Estatal de Investigación Científica y Técnica y de Innovación 2021-2023
Modalidad: Categoria d. Proyectos Singulares: subcategoría d.2. Arte, Ciencia, Tecnología y Sociedad
Referencia de proyecto: FCT-23-19061
Duración: 12 meses
Comienzo/Fin: 01/07/2024 – 30/06/2025
Presupuesto del proyecto: 24.800 €
Subvención: 10.000 €
Coordinador: Consorcio Campus Iberus (ES)
El proyecto «ARTesis: descifrando tesis a través del humor y las artes gráficas» surge como una iniciativa del Campus Iberus, que es el Campus de Excelencia Internacional (CEI) del Valle del Ebro, en respuesta al desafío de transformar la complejidad de las tesis académicas en un formato accesible y divertido: el cómic. Inspirados por la exitosa experiencia del proyecto «Tesis en 3 minutos,» que se viene desarrollando desde 2014, este proyecto busca fusionar el mundo de la ciencia y el arte para crear ilustraciones en formato de cómics de las tesis doctorales de mayor carácter divulgativo que no solo entretengan, sino también eduquen al público en temas actuales de investigación.
El proyecto adquiere el compromiso de fortalecer las relaciones entre artistas del mundo del cómic, doctorandos y la sociedad en general mediante la generación de espacios multidisciplinares de conocimiento compuestos. Se basa en una serie de encuentros de co-creación y talleres en los que científicos e ilustradores trabajan juntos activamente, tanto en el plano metodológico como creativo para desarrollar una serie de cómics de carácter humorístico que serán difundidos a través de diversas herramientas didácticas.
Esta iniciativa, que se desarrolla en el cruce de Arte, Ciencia, Tecnología y Sociedad (ACTS), promueve un proceso conjunto de co-creación, innovación y divulgación en un enfoque bidireccional y permite una colaboración única que transforma conocimientos de los investigadores participantes en piezas tipo cómic accesibles y comprensibles para el público en general, transformando la forma de pensar de los actores involucrados y de la sociedad en general.

Más información:


Funding institution: European Commission
Programme: H2020
Call/Topic/Action: H2020-MSCA-COFUND-2020, MSCA-COFUND-FP Fellowship Programme
Project ID: 101034288
Duration: 60 months
Start/End Dates: 01/07/2021 – 30/06/2026
Budget: 2.427.480 €
Coordinator: Consorcio Campus Iberus (ES)
Partners: University of Zaragoza (ES), Public University of Navarra (ES), University of La Rioja (ES), University of Lleida (ES)
Summary: The proposed MSCA COFUND FP “IberusExperience – International Fellowship Programme for Talent Attraction to the Campus of International Excellence Campus Iberus” is promoted by Campus Iberus, a strategic partnership which brings together four high-profile research universities from four different regions along the Ebro valley in northeastern Spain: Universidad de Zaragoza, Universidad Pública de Navarra, Universitat de Lleida and Universidad de la Rioja. IberusExperience tables a competitive and attractive research environment of inter-connected regions and universities, bringing together 4 recruiting universities and a total of 88 academic and non-academic partner organisations from 26 countries committed to host secondments and/or to offer trainings, networking events and others actions to enhance the career opportunities of the researchers.

IberusExperience will offer 11 positions for worldwide excellent Experienced Researchers (ER) who are willing to develop individual and free choice innovative research projects for a period of 36 months in any of the five areas of specialisation of Campus Iberus:
1) Agro-food & Nutrition;
2) Health Technologies;
3) Energy, Environment & Sustainability;
4) Social & Territorial Development;
5) Circular Bio-Economy.

The IberusExperience Programme is planned to start on July 2021 and last for 60 months. It involves one call for applicants and the evaluation of the research proposals by international independent experts. The recruitment of the 11 talented researchers is expected to be achieved before M18, i.e. November – December 2022. The programme is not just aimed at talent attraction but consolidation and retention. Researchers will have the opportunity to be extensively trained in research and transferable skills, such as Open Science, Communication & Public Engagement, Grant Writing, Project Management, Technology Transfer, IPR and Entrepreneurship, and consolidate their professional careers at the regions. Anchoring these highly skilled professionals will definitely boost the international dimension and competitiveness of Campus Iberus and surrounding R&I ecosystem..

More information:

Funding institution: European Commission
Programme: H2020
Call/Topic/Action: H2020-MSCA-COFUND-2017, MSCA-COFUND-DP Doctoral Programme
Project ID: 801586
Duration: 60 months
Start/End Dates: 01/09/2018 – 31/08/2023
Budget: 5.650.560€
Coordinator: Consorcio Campus Iberus (ES)
Partners: University of Zaragoza (ES), Public University of Navarra (ES), University of La Rioja (ES), University of Lleida (ES)
Summary: IberusTalent is a Doctoral Programme for Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) aimed at attracting 36 pre-doctoral excellent researchers to develop individual and freely selected project in the field of Agrofood and Health Technologies in order to produce a positive effect in terms of excellent science and talent attraction, especially at the regional level. IberusTalent offers attractive conditions for doctoral training based on the principles of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers, as well as the EU Principles for Innovative Doctorate Training. Additionally, the involvement of international Universities and non-academic participating organizations (companies, research centres and hospitals) with strong expertise on the Programme specific areas will guarantee attractive ecosystem for incoming researchers by offering secondments, short stays, and training at industry.
More information:
Second call
First call

RIDi Pirineos

Red Transfronteriza de I+D+i Pirineos

Resumen del proyecto y resultados:
El proyecto RIDi Pirineos va a crear una Red de Colaboración Transfronteriza entre agentes de I+D+i del área POCTEFA que permita reforzar las capacidades conjuntas a través de una Plataforma de Intercambio de Conocimiento. La Plataforma permitirá a las universidades y a las empresas intercambiar conocimientos, tecnologías y recursos desde una doble perspectiva digital y física. Contará con elementos originales que aportarán un innovador valor añadido a la propuesta, como un espacio digital en el que se diseñará un Buscador Transfronterizo de Conocimiento que, a partir de herramientas de análisis de datos e inteligencia artificial, permitirá generar convergencias entre oportunidades de innovación empresarial y expertise académica para el desarrollo conjunto de nuevos productos y servicios. Este espacio digital de compartición de ideas y proyectos se complementará con un espacio presencial Living Lab de dinamización del territorio que constituirá un entorno de pruebas para nuevas tecnologías y soluciones innovadoras, además de incluir encuentros y eventos regulares, así como actividades de formación.

Fecha de inicio: 01/01/2024
Fecha de finalización: 31/12/2026

Presupuesto total: 1.370.000,00€
Financiación FEDER: 890.500,00€

Socios del proyecto:
Universidad de Zaragoza (ES), CEPYME Aragón (ES), Kampal (ES), Universidad de La Rioja (ES), COMUE Université de Toulouse (FR), Universidad Pública de Navarra (ES), Universidad de Lleida (ES), Campus Iberus (ES), BIC CRESCENDO (FR)


El proyecto RIDi Pirineos ha sido cofinanciado en un 65% por la Unión Europea a través del programa Interreg VI-A España-Francia-Andorra (POCTEFA 2021-2027). El objetivo del POCTEFA es reforzar la integración económica y social de la zona fronteriza España-Francia-Andorra.

Entidad financiadora: Fundación Española para la Ciencia y la Tecnología – Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades.
Programa: Plan Estatal de Investigación Científica y Técnica y de Innovación 2021-2023
Modalidad: Categoria d. Proyectos Singulares: subcategoría d.2. Arte, Ciencia, Tecnología y Sociedad
Referencia de proyecto: FCT-23-19061
Duración: 12 meses
Comienzo/Fin: 01/07/2024 – 30/06/2025
Presupuesto del proyecto: 24.800 €
Subvención: 10.000 €
Coordinador: Consorcio Campus Iberus (ES)
El proyecto «ARTesis: descifrando tesis a través del humor y las artes gráficas» surge como una iniciativa del Campus Iberus, que es el Campus de Excelencia Internacional (CEI) del Valle del Ebro, en respuesta al desafío de transformar la complejidad de las tesis académicas en un formato accesible y divertido: el cómic. Inspirados por la exitosa experiencia del proyecto «Tesis en 3 minutos,» que se viene desarrollando desde 2014, este proyecto busca fusionar el mundo de la ciencia y el arte para crear ilustraciones en formato de cómics de las tesis doctorales de mayor carácter divulgativo que no solo entretengan, sino también eduquen al público en temas actuales de investigación.
El proyecto adquiere el compromiso de fortalecer las relaciones entre artistas del mundo del cómic, doctorandos y la sociedad en general mediante la generación de espacios multidisciplinares de conocimiento compuestos. Se basa en una serie de encuentros de co-creación y talleres en los que científicos e ilustradores trabajan juntos activamente, tanto en el plano metodológico como creativo para desarrollar una serie de cómics de carácter humorístico que serán difundidos a través de diversas herramientas didácticas.
Esta iniciativa, que se desarrolla en el cruce de Arte, Ciencia, Tecnología y Sociedad (ACTS), promueve un proceso conjunto de co-creación, innovación y divulgación en un enfoque bidireccional y permite una colaboración única que transforma conocimientos de los investigadores participantes en piezas tipo cómic accesibles y comprensibles para el público en general, transformando la forma de pensar de los actores involucrados y de la sociedad en general.

Más información: 




Funding institution: European Commission
Programme: Erasmus+
Call/Topic/Action: 2022/KA220-HED – Cooperation partnerships in higher education
Project ID: 2022-1-ES01-KA220-HED-000086749
Duration: 36 months
Start/End Dates: 31/12/2022 – 30/12/2025
Budget: 400.000€
Coordinator: Consorcio Campus Iberus (SP)
The main objective of DILAN is to improve the ability of scientists to communicate their research results beyond the specialised community so that they reach diversified audiences and society at large.
The European Union has recognised that public communication of science is a key priority for society. To support this priority, DILAN will provide solutions for the digital transformation of human resources in research.
DILAN involves the creation of resources and materials in digital format, as well as online training courses and a MOOC with innovative learning/teaching practices.
In this way, DILAN will support the European scientific community (with a special focus on women researchers), enhancing their resilience and capacity to communicate on Web 2.0.
The resources will be designed for STEM and non-STEM areas and will also promote civic engagement, social responsibility and democratisation of science, as well as other key EU values (multilingualism, digital literacy learning, and citizens’ scientific literacy).
More information:



Funding institution: European Commission
Programme: Erasmus+
Call/Topic/Action: KA103 (Learning Mobility of Individuals. Higher education student and staff mobility within programme countries); KA107 (Learning Mobility of Individuals. Higher education student and staff mobility between Programme and Partner Countries)
Duration: Annual
Start/End Dates: Ongoing since 2014, different annual cut-off deadlines
Coordinator: Consorcio Campus Iberus (ES)
Beneficiary universities: University of Zaragoza, Public University of Navarra, University of La Rioja, University of Lleida.
Summary: Erasmus + international mobility scheme addresing:
– Traineeship mobility for Campus Iberus’ PhD students
– Traineeship mobility for Campus Iberus’ staff
– Teaching mobility for Campus Iberus’ staff
– Teaching mobility for international staff (lecturing at Campus Iberus’ universities)

More information: Regular open calls can be found on the following sections of Campus Iberus website:
Main page
– Section Research > Calls
– Section Doctorate > Support to mobility

Spanish Universities 4 EU projects


Funding institution: European Commission
Programme: Erasmus+
Call/Topic/Action: KA103 (Learning Mobility of Individuals. Higher education student and staff mobility within programme countries)
Duration: Annual
Start/End Dates: Ongoing since 2017 , different annual cut-off deadlines
Coordinator: Consorcio Campus Iberus (ES)
Partner institutions: EuGen – European Generation (IT), EPA-European Projects Association (BE)
Spanish benefitiary universities: University of Alicante, University of Burgos, University of Cantabria, University of Castilla La Mancha, University of Illes Balears, University of La Laguna, University of La Rioja, University of Lleida, University Pompeu Fabra, Public University of Navarra, University Rovira i Virgili, University of Santiago de Compostela, University of Zaragoza.
Summary: Spanish Universities for EU projects aims to facilitate the transition between university education and access to employment, through international traineeship mobility of students from the benefitiary universities in EU-based companies and institutions active in the field of EU-funded projects and initiatives. Spanish University for EU Projects has been presented to the European Commission as a good practice of trans-national cooperation of Erasmus+ consortium for International Mobility.
More information:
Internship for students | Spanish Universities for EU projects
European project training for university staff




Entidad financiadora: Fundación Española para la Ciencia y la Tecnología – Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades.
Programa: Plan Estatal de Investigación Científica y Técnica y de Innovación 2021-2023
Modalidad: Categoria d. Proyectos Singulares: subcategoría d.2. Arte, Ciencia, Tecnología y Sociedad
Referencia de proyecto: FCT-23-19061
Duración: 12 meses
Comienzo/Fin: 01/07/2024 – 30/06/2025
Presupuesto del proyecto: 24.800 €
Subvención: 10.000 €
Coordinador: Consorcio Campus Iberus (ES)
El proyecto «ARTesis: descifrando tesis a través del humor y las artes gráficas» surge como una iniciativa del Campus Iberus, que es el Campus de Excelencia Internacional (CEI) del Valle del Ebro, en respuesta al desafío de transformar la complejidad de las tesis académicas en un formato accesible y divertido: el cómic. Inspirados por la exitosa experiencia del proyecto «Tesis en 3 minutos,» que se viene desarrollando desde 2014, este proyecto busca fusionar el mundo de la ciencia y el arte para crear ilustraciones en formato de cómics de las tesis doctorales de mayor carácter divulgativo que no solo entretengan, sino también eduquen al público en temas actuales de investigación.
El proyecto adquiere el compromiso de fortalecer las relaciones entre artistas del mundo del cómic, doctorandos y la sociedad en general mediante la generación de espacios multidisciplinares de conocimiento compuestos. Se basa en una serie de encuentros de co-creación y talleres en los que científicos e ilustradores trabajan juntos activamente, tanto en el plano metodológico como creativo para desarrollar una serie de cómics de carácter humorístico que serán difundidos a través de diversas herramientas didácticas.
Esta iniciativa, que se desarrolla en el cruce de Arte, Ciencia, Tecnología y Sociedad (ACTS), promueve un proceso conjunto de co-creación, innovación y divulgación en un enfoque bidireccional y permite una colaboración única que transforma conocimientos de los investigadores participantes en piezas tipo cómic accesibles y comprensibles para el público en general, transformando la forma de pensar de los actores involucrados y de la sociedad en general.

Más información:


Funding institution: European Commission
Programme: H2020
Call/Topic/Action: H2020-MSCA-COFUND-2020, MSCA-COFUND-FP Fellowship Programme
Project ID: 101034288
Duration: 60 months
Start/End Dates: 01/07/2021 – 30/06/2026
Budget: 2.427.480 €
Coordinator: Consorcio Campus Iberus (ES)
Partners: University of Zaragoza (ES), Public University of Navarra (ES), University of La Rioja (ES), University of Lleida (ES)
Summary: The proposed MSCA COFUND FP “IberusExperience – International Fellowship Programme for Talent Attraction to the Campus of International Excellence Campus Iberus” is promoted by Campus Iberus, a strategic partnership which brings together four high-profile research universities from four different regions along the Ebro valley in northeastern Spain: Universidad de Zaragoza, Universidad Pública de Navarra, Universitat de Lleida and Universidad de la Rioja. IberusExperience tables a competitive and attractive research environment of inter-connected regions and universities, bringing together 4 recruiting universities and a total of 88 academic and non-academic partner organisations from 26 countries committed to host secondments and/or to offer trainings, networking events and others actions to enhance the career opportunities of the researchers.

IberusExperience will offer 11 positions for worldwide excellent Experienced Researchers (ER) who are willing to develop individual and free choice innovative research projects for a period of 36 months in any of the five areas of specialisation of Campus Iberus:
1) Agro-food & Nutrition;
2) Health Technologies;
3) Energy, Environment & Sustainability;
4) Social & Territorial Development;
5) Circular Bio-Economy.

The IberusExperience Programme is planned to start on July 2021 and last for 60 months. It involves one call for applicants and the evaluation of the research proposals by international independent experts. The recruitment of the 11 talented researchers is expected to be achieved before M18, i.e. November – December 2022. The programme is not just aimed at talent attraction but consolidation and retention. Researchers will have the opportunity to be extensively trained in research and transferable skills, such as Open Science, Communication & Public Engagement, Grant Writing, Project Management, Technology Transfer, IPR and Entrepreneurship, and consolidate their professional careers at the regions. Anchoring these highly skilled professionals will definitely boost the international dimension and competitiveness of Campus Iberus and surrounding R&I ecosystem..

More information:

Funding institution: European Commission
Programme: H2020
Call/Topic/Action: H2020-MSCA-COFUND-2017, MSCA-COFUND-DP Doctoral Programme
Project ID: 801586
Duration: 60 months
Start/End Dates: 01/09/2018 – 31/08/2023
Budget: 5.650.560€
Coordinator: Consorcio Campus Iberus (ES)
Partners: University of Zaragoza (ES), Public University of Navarra (ES), University of La Rioja (ES), University of Lleida (ES)
Summary: IberusTalent is a Doctoral Programme for Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) aimed at attracting 36 pre-doctoral excellent researchers to develop individual and freely selected project in the field of Agrofood and Health Technologies in order to produce a positive effect in terms of excellent science and talent attraction, especially at the regional level. IberusTalent offers attractive conditions for doctoral training based on the principles of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers, as well as the EU Principles for Innovative Doctorate Training. Additionally, the involvement of international Universities and non-academic participating organizations (companies, research centres and hospitals) with strong expertise on the Programme specific areas will guarantee attractive ecosystem for incoming researchers by offering secondments, short stays, and training at industry.
More information:
Second call
First call

RIDi Pirineos

Red Transfronteriza de I+D+i Pirineos

Resumen del proyecto y resultados:
El proyecto RIDi Pirineos va a crear una Red de Colaboración Transfronteriza entre agentes de I+D+i del área POCTEFA que permita reforzar las capacidades conjuntas a través de una Plataforma de Intercambio de Conocimiento. La Plataforma permitirá a las universidades y a las empresas intercambiar conocimientos, tecnologías y recursos desde una doble perspectiva digital y física. Contará con elementos originales que aportarán un innovador valor añadido a la propuesta, como un espacio digital en el que se diseñará un Buscador Transfronterizo de Conocimiento que, a partir de herramientas de análisis de datos e inteligencia artificial, permitirá generar convergencias entre oportunidades de innovación empresarial y expertise académica para el desarrollo conjunto de nuevos productos y servicios. Este espacio digital de compartición de ideas y proyectos se complementará con un espacio presencial Living Lab de dinamización del territorio que constituirá un entorno de pruebas para nuevas tecnologías y soluciones innovadoras, además de incluir encuentros y eventos regulares, así como actividades de formación.

Fecha de inicio: 01/01/2024
Fecha de finalización: 31/12/2026

Presupuesto total: 1.370.000,00€
Financiación FEDER: 890.500,00€

Socios del proyecto:
Universidad de Zaragoza (ES), CEPYME Aragón (ES), Kampal (ES), Universidad de La Rioja (ES), COMUE Université de Toulouse (FR), Universidad Pública de Navarra (ES), Universidad de Lleida (ES), Campus Iberus (ES), BIC CRESCENDO (FR)


El proyecto RIDi Pirineos ha sido cofinanciado en un 65% por la Unión Europea a través del programa Interreg VI-A España-Francia-Andorra (POCTEFA 2021-2027). El objetivo del POCTEFA es reforzar la integración económica y social de la zona fronteriza España-Francia-Andorra.

Entidad financiadora: Fundación Española para la Ciencia y la Tecnología – Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades.
Programa: Plan Estatal de Investigación Científica y Técnica y de Innovación 2021-2023
Modalidad: Categoria d. Proyectos Singulares: subcategoría d.2. Arte, Ciencia, Tecnología y Sociedad
Referencia de proyecto: FCT-23-19061
Duración: 12 meses
Comienzo/Fin: 01/07/2024 – 30/06/2025
Presupuesto del proyecto: 24.800 €
Subvención: 10.000 €
Coordinador: Consorcio Campus Iberus (ES)
El proyecto «ARTesis: descifrando tesis a través del humor y las artes gráficas» surge como una iniciativa del Campus Iberus, que es el Campus de Excelencia Internacional (CEI) del Valle del Ebro, en respuesta al desafío de transformar la complejidad de las tesis académicas en un formato accesible y divertido: el cómic. Inspirados por la exitosa experiencia del proyecto «Tesis en 3 minutos,» que se viene desarrollando desde 2014, este proyecto busca fusionar el mundo de la ciencia y el arte para crear ilustraciones en formato de cómics de las tesis doctorales de mayor carácter divulgativo que no solo entretengan, sino también eduquen al público en temas actuales de investigación.
El proyecto adquiere el compromiso de fortalecer las relaciones entre artistas del mundo del cómic, doctorandos y la sociedad en general mediante la generación de espacios multidisciplinares de conocimiento compuestos. Se basa en una serie de encuentros de co-creación y talleres en los que científicos e ilustradores trabajan juntos activamente, tanto en el plano metodológico como creativo para desarrollar una serie de cómics de carácter humorístico que serán difundidos a través de diversas herramientas didácticas.
Esta iniciativa, que se desarrolla en el cruce de Arte, Ciencia, Tecnología y Sociedad (ACTS), promueve un proceso conjunto de co-creación, innovación y divulgación en un enfoque bidireccional y permite una colaboración única que transforma conocimientos de los investigadores participantes en piezas tipo cómic accesibles y comprensibles para el público en general, transformando la forma de pensar de los actores involucrados y de la sociedad en general.

Más información: 




Funding institution: European Commission
Programme: Erasmus+
Call/Topic/Action: 2022/KA220-HED – Cooperation partnerships in higher education
Project ID: 2022-1-ES01-KA220-HED-000086749
Duration: 36 months
Start/End Dates: 31/12/2022 – 30/12/2025
Budget: 400.000€
Coordinator: Consorcio Campus Iberus (SP)
The main objective of DILAN is to improve the ability of scientists to communicate their research results beyond the specialised community so that they reach diversified audiences and society at large.
The European Union has recognised that public communication of science is a key priority for society. To support this priority, DILAN will provide solutions for the digital transformation of human resources in research.
DILAN involves the creation of resources and materials in digital format, as well as online training courses and a MOOC with innovative learning/teaching practices.
In this way, DILAN will support the European scientific community (with a special focus on women researchers), enhancing their resilience and capacity to communicate on Web 2.0.
The resources will be designed for STEM and non-STEM areas and will also promote civic engagement, social responsibility and democratisation of science, as well as other key EU values (multilingualism, digital literacy learning, and citizens’ scientific literacy).
More information:



Funding institution: European Commission
Programme: Erasmus+
Call/Topic/Action: KA103 (Learning Mobility of Individuals. Higher education student and staff mobility within programme countries); KA107 (Learning Mobility of Individuals. Higher education student and staff mobility between Programme and Partner Countries)
Duration: Annual
Start/End Dates: Ongoing since 2014, different annual cut-off deadlines
Coordinator: Consorcio Campus Iberus (ES)
Beneficiary universities: University of Zaragoza, Public University of Navarra, University of La Rioja, University of Lleida.
Summary: Erasmus + international mobility scheme addresing:
– Traineeship mobility for Campus Iberus’ PhD students
– Traineeship mobility for Campus Iberus’ staff
– Teaching mobility for Campus Iberus’ staff
– Teaching mobility for international staff (lecturing at Campus Iberus’ universities)

More information: Regular open calls can be found on the following sections of Campus Iberus website:
Main page
– Section Research > Calls
– Section Doctorate > Support to mobility

Spanish Universities 4 EU projects


Funding institution: European Commission
Programme: Erasmus+
Call/Topic/Action: KA103 (Learning Mobility of Individuals. Higher education student and staff mobility within programme countries)
Duration: Annual
Start/End Dates: Ongoing since 2017 , different annual cut-off deadlines
Coordinator: Consorcio Campus Iberus (ES)
Partner institutions: EuGen – European Generation (IT), EPA-European Projects Association (BE)
Spanish benefitiary universities: University of Alicante, University of Burgos, University of Cantabria, University of Castilla La Mancha, University of Illes Balears, University of La Laguna, University of La Rioja, University of Lleida, University Pompeu Fabra, Public University of Navarra, University Rovira i Virgili, University of Santiago de Compostela, University of Zaragoza.
Summary: Spanish Universities for EU projects aims to facilitate the transition between university education and access to employment, through international traineeship mobility of students from the benefitiary universities in EU-based companies and institutions active in the field of EU-funded projects and initiatives. Spanish University for EU Projects has been presented to the European Commission as a good practice of trans-national cooperation of Erasmus+ consortium for International Mobility.
More information:
Internship for students | Spanish Universities for EU projects
European project training for university staff




Funding institution: European Commission
Programme: Erasmus+
Call/Topic/Action: EAC/03/2018, KA2 Knowledge Alliance
Project ID: 612212-EPP-1-2019-1-ES-EPPKA2-KA
Duration: 36 months
Start/End Dates: 01/01/2020 – 31/12/2022
Budget: 991.620€
Coordinator: Consorcio Campus Iberus (ES)
Partners: Ecoembes (ES), TAMK (FI), Pyroll Group (FI), AGH (PL), Synthos Group (PL), Univ. Salerno (IT), Proplast Cluster (IT)
Summary: PackAlliance is a Knowledge Alliance that brings together academic and industry partners from 4 EU countries (Spain, Poland, Finland and Italy) in order to foster Academia-Industry collaboration for innovation and competence building in innovative and sustainable packaging, as a nuclear element for the transition to the Circular Economy within the plastic industry. Based on the partners’ experience and mutual interest for cooperation, PackAlliance consortium seeks:
– To equip HE students and packaging professionals with industry-demand skills required for circular economy transformation within the plastic packaging sector
– To modernise and align Higher Education Institutions curricula with the plastic packaging industry needs
– To establish innovation collaboration scheme between HEIs and industry on the knowledge, talent transfer and entrepreneurship in sustainable plastic packaging area
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Funding institution: European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) 
Programme: EIT Raw Materials, KAVA
Call/Topic/Action: KAVA «RM Academy Regional Innovation Schemes», call 2018.
Duration: 36 months
Start/End Dates: 2020-2022
Coordinator: AGH University of Science and Technology (Poland)
Summary: The RMs Manager Winter School is part of the pilot activities of the EIT RMsManager Project, funded by European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT Raw Materials). The main goal of the EIT RMsManager Project is to create and deliver new and innovative curricula aimed at strengthening the skills and increasing the capacity of students and professionals for a transition towards a circular management of raw materials and natural resources, particularly by: (1) Modernising higher education institutions by aligning and adapting education offer and practices to the needs of the industrial sector and global challenges; (2) Equipping students with up-to-date industry-demand skills required for a circular transformation and sustainable management of raw materials and natural resources; (3) Establishing sustainable collaboration between Academia, Researchers, Industry and Professionals of the raw materials sector, with a Regional Innovation Scheme perspective; (4) Ensuring the incorporation of Circularity and Sustainable Development principles in the educational strategies and curricula of the RMsManager Project universities.

The EIT RMsManager Project brings together eight high-profile academic, research and industrial partners from six countries across Europe, represented by: AGH University of Science and Technology (Poland); Lappeenranta University of Technology (Finland; Technical University of Kosice (Slovakia); National Technical University of Athens (Greece); Campus Iberus (Spain: University of Zaragoza, Public University of Navarra, University of Lleida and University of La Rioja); Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics (Ukraine); Agenzia Nazionale per le Nuove Tecnologie, l’Energia e lo Sviluppo Economico Sostenibile – ENEA (Italy); KGHM Cuprum (Poland)

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Funding institution: European Commission
Programme: Erasmus+
Call/Topic/Action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices / European Universities / EAC/A02/2019
Project ID: 101004082
Duration: 36 months
Start/End Dates: 07/11/2020 – 31/10/2023
Budget: 5.000.000€
Coordinator: Università degli Studi di Torino (Italy)
Summary: UNITA is one of the 41 European Universities Alliances selected by the European Commission through the emblematic initiative «European Universities» of the Eramus+ programme. UNITA brings together 6 research universities located in cross-border mountain areas from Spain, Portugal, France, Italy and Romania, which share deep linguistic and cultural roots: Università degli Studi di Torino (coordinator, Italy), Université Savoie Mont Blanc (France), Universidade da Beira Interior, (Portugal) University of Pau and Adour Countries (France), West University of Timisoara (Romania) and Universidad de Zaragoza (Spain). UNITA proposes an innovative, inclusive and student-centered European University built upon a romance language-based inter-comprehension approach with a strong focus on Cultural Heritage, Renewable Energies and Circular Economy. Campus Iberus is an associate partner of the UNITA alliance since 2020. 
More information: rasmus-plus/projects/eplus-project-details/#project/101004082 



The project has been 65% co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the Interreg V-A Spain-France-Andorra Program (POCTEFA 2014-2020)

Funding institution: European Union
Programme: Interreg POCTEFA (Interreg-V Spain-France-Andorra)
Call/Topic/Action: Call 2016, Prioriry axis 1: Dinamizar la innovación y la competitividad
Project ID: EFA197/16
Duration: 36 months
Start/End Dates: 2017-2020
Budget: 1.231.200,66€
Coordinator: Université Fédérale Toulouse Midi-Pyrénées (FR)
Partners: Campus Iberus (coordinator, ES), Universidad de Zaragoza (ES), Universidad Pública de Navarra (ES), Universidad de La Rioja (ES), Universitat de Lleida (ES), Université de Pau et Des Pays de L’Adour (FR), Université de Perpignan (FR)
Summary: I aCCeSS, a Crossborder Cooperation for Smart Specialisation, is a European project that is part of the Interreg Poctefa Programme (2014-2020), whose objective is to promote the transfer of knowledge and technologies from universities to SMEs between French and Spanish border regions to improve their potential for innovation. The analysis of the intelligent specialisation strategies of the regions involved has led the consortium to focus on 6 priority thematic areas: health services, food processing, intelligent cities, renewable energies, the aerospace industry and the manufacturing industry. The establishment of a network of universities, chambers of commerce and industry and SMEs associations will lead to the creation of a viewing platform for crossborder cooperation in Open Data in these 6 areas.
More information:
aCCeSS en los medios

Funding institution: Ecoembalajes España S.A. (Ecoembes)
Programme: Innovative University – Business Cooperation (private funding)
Duration: 2-6 months
Start/End Dates:
Ongoing since 2018, different annual cut-off deadlines
Ecoembes (ES)
Partners: Consorcio Campus Iberus (ES)
The Circular Talent Labs is an University-Business Cooperation initiative aimed to boost young talent through a challenge-based open-innovation learning & training methodology. Multidisciplinary teams of both undergraduate and fresh graduate students, work together in order to find and co-create solutions to circular-economy related challenges (dealing mostly with recycling, sustainability and citizen awareness) proposed by Ecoembes and other companies and organisations from the regional socio-economic ecosystem. Students are mentored and trained by innovation experts from Campus Iberus and Ecoembes, and perform their training and co-creation activities at The Circular Lab by Ecoembes (located in La Rioja) under a paid traineeship scheme. According to duration and nature of the challenge to be solved, this programme is implemented in two different formats:  Labs and Minilabs.

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Funding institution: European Commission
Programme: Erasmus+
Call/Topic/Action: Call 2017, KA202 Strategic Partnerships in the VET field (through Spanish National Erasmus+ > Agency ES01: Servicio Español para la Internacionalización de la Educación – SEPIE)
Project ID: 2017-1-ES01-KA202-038258
Duration: 24 months
Start/End Dates: 01/11/2017 – 31/10/2019
Budget: 299.160€
Summary: «Women in Power» aims to support equality and gender-balanced corporate boardrooms by giving women working in the traditional sectors (footwear, textile and furniture) the opportunity to acquire abilities and competences that enhance their sectoral skills and make it possible for them to reach top executive roles, therefore promoting gender equality and the advancement of women in Europe. It also aims at facilitating the access and participation in a learning path specially developed for a collective of women who are often low-skilled in terms of secondary and tertiary education, but who have a deep knowledge of the industry they work in, thus setting its main goal in promoting women leadership and participation in the decision-making process.
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Innovation to promote territorial cohesion

Funding institution: European Commission
Programme: EU Tender
Call/Topic/Action: Tender 22018/S 193-435446
Project ID: 22018/S 193-435446
Duration: 18 months
Start/End Dates: 01/01/2019 – 30/06/2020
Budget: 850.000€
Coordinator: Technopolis Group (FR)
Partners: Tecnalia (ES), Spatial Foresight (DE), WAAT (UK), Competitiveness Cluster Group (ES), Association of European Border Regions (DE)
Campus Iberus’ Role: Associated Partner
Summary: INNOVACT is supported by the European Union with the ambition of diffusing its regional policy experience and good practices in Latin America; and to prepare and develop further cooperation between regional authorities and specialised agencies on innovation policy decision-making and governance from EU and Latin American border regions. The specific objectives are:
– To facilitate the sharing of information and lessons between European and Latin-American cross-border regions on promoting cross-border cooperation, innovation systems, clusters and competitiveness;
– To identify and develop strategies, action plans and concrete projects or programmes for the development of cross-border value chains;
– To stimulate and contribute to a learning process based on concrete examples and best practices.

INNOVACT supports cross-border cooperation and innovation in 7 CELAC border regions: 1) Mexico – Guatemala; 2) Colombia – Ecuador; 3) Colombia – Peru; 4) Peru – Chile; 5) Ecuador – Peru; 6) Argentina – Paraguay – Brazil; 7) Bolivia – Peru. In each of these regions, INNOVACT establishes contacts and an active knowledge transfer process between CELAC and European partners from government, administration, business, science and civil society. Activities in support of the achievement of these goals include:
– Provision of expert support to Latin-American cross-border regions in the process of developing a cross-border innovation and/or productive development strategy
– Organisation of regional/national conferences with workshops to bring stakeholders together and facilitate learning processes
– Organisation of study visits to Europe for cross-border region stakeholders and partnering opportunities between EU and Latin-American regions
– Implementation of capacity building measures such as ad-hoc training sessions, webinars, and conferences
– Development of an on-line platform and repository with relevant knowledge including best practice and expert database

Campus Iberus has been presented as a best practice of cross-regional / cross-border university cooperation in a number of thematic workshops organised by the consortium of INNOVACT II in Latin America.
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Supra-regional Operational Group for the development of an Integrated System for the optimization of irrigation of stone fruit trees in the Ebro Valley

Funding institution: Spanish Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAPA)
Programme: National Programme for Rural Development 2014-2020.
Call/Topic/Action: Call 2018, Operational Groups of the EIP-Agri – Agricultural European Innovation Partnership (Grupos Operativos de la Asociación Europea para la Innovación, en materia de productividad y sostenibilidad agrícola (AEI-Agri)).
Project ID: 20180020006992
Start/End Dates:
Budget: 20.017,50€
Coordinator: Akis Research S.L. (ES)
Partners: Consorcio Campus Iberus (ES), Cooperativa La Chipranesca (ES)
Summary: SIRiVE aims to design and develop an integrated system based on new prediction, modelling and programming tools for the optimization of irrigation of stone fruit trees in order to increase crop production yield and quality in arid and semi-arid areas of the Ebro Valley.
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Promoting EU/CELAC Cooperation on Cross-Border Innovation Support

Funding institution: European Commission
Programme: EU Tender
Call/Topic/Action: Tender 2016.CE.16.0AT.057
Project ID: 2016.CE.16.0AT.057
Duration: 18 months
Start/End Dates: 01/01/2018 – 30/06/2019
Budget: 1.000.000€
Coordinator: Technopolis Group (FR)
Partners: Spatial Foresight (DE), WAAT (UK), Competitiveness Cluster Group (ES), European Regions Research and Innovation Network (BE)
Campus Iberus’ Role: Associated Partner
Summary: INNOVACT is supported by the European Union with the ambition of diffusing its regional policy experience and good practices in Latin America; and to prepare and develop further cooperation between regional authorities and specialised agencies on innovation policy decision-making and governance from EU and Latin American border regions. The specific objectives are:
– To facilitate the sharing of information and lessons between European and Latin-American cross-border regions on promoting cross-border cooperation, innovation systems, clusters and competitiveness,
– To identify and develop strategies, action plans and concrete projects or programmes for the development of cross-border value chains,
– To stimulate and contribute to a learning process based on concrete examples and best practices.

INNOVACT supports cross-border cooperation and innovation in 4 CELAC border regions: 1) Mexico – Guatemala; 2) Colombia – Ecuador; 3) Colombia – Peru; 4) Peru – Chile. In each of these regions INNOVACT establishes contacts and an active knowledge transfer process between CELAC and European partners from government, administration, business, science and civil society.

Activities in support of the achievement of these goals include:
– Provision of expert support to Latin-American cross-border regions in the process of developing a cross-border innovation and/or productive development strategy
– Organisation of regional/national conferences with workshops to bring stakeholders together and facilitate learning processes
– Organisation of study visits to Europe for cross-border region stakeholders and partnering opportunities between EU and Latin-American regions
– Implementation of capacity building measures such as ad-hoc training sessions, webinars, and conferences
– Development of an on-line platform and repository with relevant knowledge including best practice and expert database.

Campus Iberus has been presented as a best practice of cross-regional / cross-border university cooperation in a number of thematic workshops organised by the consortium of INNOVACT I in Latin America.                                                                                   

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Implementation and training in the use of solar food dehydrators to empower women of rural areas in the post-conflict context in Colombia

Funding institution: Spanish Agency for International Development (Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional, AECID)
Programme: Subvenciones para Acciones de Cooperación para el Desarrollo
Call/Topic/Action: Convocatoria 2017 de subvenciones para la realización de proyectos de innovación para el desarrollo
Project ID: AECID 2017/ACDE/001837
Duration: 18 months
Start/End Dates: 2018 – 2020
Coordinator: Akis Research S.L. (ES)
Partners: Consorcio Campus Iberus (ES), Universidad Nacional de Colombia (CO), Agencia de Renovación del Territorio (CO)
Summary: The first of the 6 thematic axes included in the November 2016 Agreement between the Government of Colombia and the FARC-EP consists of a Comprehensive Rural Reform, which seeks to lay the foundations for structural transformation and well-being improvement of rural territories and polulation of Colombia. Women must play a fundamental role in post-conflict economic restructuring of rural areas. However, in most rural communities in Colombia, the role of women is secondary. In a large part of the rural areas affected by the armed conflict, the infrastructures available to supply primary production are not optimal, which generates structural problems in the production-market chain. In practice, a large part of the perishable food products produced in rural areas are lost due to the difficulty of terrestrial transportation ways, long time needed to reach collection centers from production sites, and difficult access to reliable energy sources to implement refrigeration facilities. The project aims to:

1) Design and installation of non-forced convection solar dehydration equipment: Design; Building; Set up; optimization of local raw materials flows;
2) Design and implementation of tailored-made/women-targeted training and capacity-building activities:
– Theoretical-practical training in the use and maintenance of non-forced convection solar dehydration equipment
– Training in marketing of elaborated food products.
– Specific training actions for technical personnel of Colombian counterparts and collaborating entities, in order to ensure replication, scale-up and sustainability beyond the project lifetime.
– Publication of practical guidelines. 

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Supra-regional Operational Group for the recovery of nutrients and their reuse in local crops for the development of circular bioeconomy in local communities

Funding institution: Spanish Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAPA)
Programme: Operational Groups of the EIP-Agri – Agricultural European Innovation Partnership (Grupos Operativos de la Asociación Europea para la Innovación, en materia de productividad y sostenibilidad agrícola (AEI-Agri)). National Programme for Rural Development 2014-2020.
Call/Topic/Action: Call 2018
Project ID: 20180020009616
Start/End Dates:
Budget: 98.068,77€
Coordinator: Universitat de Lleida (ES)
Partners: Consorcio Campus Iberus (ES), AKIS Research S.L. (ES), Centro de Investigación y Tecnología Agroalimentaria de Aragón CITA (ES), A.R.B (ES), Fruits de Ponent (ES), Agroganadera Germán S.L. (ES), Ingenia Agromars (ES)
Summary: The main objective of this project is to turn the local problem of management of livestock waste into an opportunity to promote the transition to the circular bioeconomy based on the global need for recovery and reuse of nutrients in agriculture. To this end, an innovative project will be carried out to promote the implementation of biorefineries for the recovery and reuse of manure nutrients at a local scale supported by an ICT tool for decision-making adapted to local potential.
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Building resilience for adaptation of family farming to climate change through localized irrigation in Colombia

Funding institution: Spanish Agency for International Development (Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional, AECID)
Programme: Subvenciones para Acciones de Cooperación para el Desarrollo
Call/Topic/Action: Convocatoria 2016 de subvenciones para la realización de proyectos de innovación para el desarrollo
Project ID: AECID 2016/ACDE/002728
Duration: 18 months
Start/End Dates: 2017 – 2019
Coordinator: Consorcio Campus Iberus (ES)
Budget: 128.350€
Partners: Akis Research S.L. (ES)
Consorcio Campus Iberus (ES), Universidad Nacional de Colombia (CO), Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje (CO)
Summary: Climate change has a clear negative impact on productivity of agro-food processes. Storage of water and efficient irrigation is one of the best tools to ensure a steady water supply to crops throughout the whole production cycle, leading also to a reduction of the impact during periods of rainfall scarcity or drought  («El Niño»). In the Andean region of Colombia, rainfall has traditionally been abundant and regular enough to provide crops with the necessary water needed at the right time. However, in a scenario of climate change, it is necessary a bigger effort to raise awareness among farmers, since they have never perceived irrigation facilities as necessary. The main objectives of the project are:

1) Data measuremente and collection: water balances of local crops in the areas of project implementation; selection of pilot farms for installation of measurement equipment (passive suction lysimeters, meteorological station); data collection and modeling; calculation of water needs and timing throughout the crop cycle; calculation of local water storage needs.

2) Design and installation of affordable, user-friendly and cost-efficient demonstration irrigation facilities: preparation of toolkit and guidelines for installation and use; evaluation of crop yield rate improvement in comparison to crops without localized irrigation systems.

3) Training and knowledge transfer: training and capacity-building workshops targeted to farmers, including field activities in the pilot farms selected; training of technicians and personnel from public administration; creation of an open-access web page gathering all information collected and training and capacity-bulding materials developed.

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Funding institution: Ecoembalajes España S.A. (Ecoembes)
Programme: Innovative University – Business Cooperation (private funding)
Duration: 6 months
Start/End Dates: 2019-2019
Coordinator: Ecoembes (ES)
Partners: Consorcio Campus Iberus (ES)
Summary: The Circular University Challenge is an innovative University-Business Cooperation initiative aimed at funding solutions, from a competition-based approach, to circular-economy related challenges launched by Ecoembes through open-innovation /co-creation processes carried out by multidisciplinary teams of university students. Campus Iberus is responsible for coordinating the programme at national level, supporting participating universities and mentoring and training selected students throughout the whole process. A total of around 250 students from 11 universities across 9 regions in Spain have taken part of this first pilot of the Circular University Challenge (participating universities: Politécnica de Catalunya, Autónoma de Barcelona, Carlos III, Politécnica de Valencia, Sevilla, A Coruña, La Laguna, Pública de Navarra, La Rioja, Zaragoza, Lleida). The Circular University Challenge was presented at the Thematic University Business Forum organised by the European Commission in Lisbon on February 4 & 5, 2019.
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Funding institution: Consorcio Campus Iberus (ES)
Programme: Innovative University – Business Cooperation (private funding)
Duration: 36 months
Start/End Dates: 2016 – 2019
Consorcio Campus Iberus (ES)
Partners: New Factory International Ltd. (FI)
Summary: Campus Iberus-Demola is an initiative that brings together universities and business, facilitating multidisciplinary co-creation teams and enabling project-based education experience in and open innovation environment in order to address challenges set by the industrial and social sectors. This cooperation model enables students to be brought to real work environments, to acquire professional and transferable skills which significantly enrich their curricular profiles and career prospects, and help facilitate talent generation and fresh knowledge transfer to the business sector that may eventually lead to innovation.
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Funding institution: Santander Universidades
Programme: Innovative University – Business Cooperation (private funding)
Duration: 6 months
Start/End Dates: 2019 – 2019
Coordinator: Santander Universidades (ES)
Partners: Consorcio Campus Iberus (ES)
Summary: Santander Intraemprende is a pilot University-Business Cooperation Programme, targeted to university students, which aims to stimulate in-company intrapreneurship processes by addresing real-challenges proposed by a number of participating companies through an open-innovation / co-creation approach. Campus Iberus is responsible for coordination of the programme at national level, including mentoring and training of participating student. A total of 40 students, 19 universities and 15 companies have participated in this first pilot edition of the programme. Santander Intraemprende was presented at the Thematic University Business Forum organised by the European Commission in Lisbon on February 4 & 5, 2019.
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Campus Iberus, a joint participation strategy in European R&I projects

Funding institution: Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO)
Programme: National Program for Research, Development and Innovation
Call/Topic/Action: Acciones de dinamización: Europa Redes y Gestores del Programa Estatal de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación Orientada a los Retos de la Sociedad, Call 2013
Project ID: EUC2013‐A‐50882
Duration: 36 months
Start/End Dates: 2014-2017
Budget: 152.000€

Coordinator: Consorcio Campus Iberus (ES)
Partners: University of Zaragoza (ES), Public University of Navarra (ES), University of La Rioja (ES), University of Lleida (ES)
Summary: Iberus 2020 is based on the coordination of strategies for participation in European and international R&I projects of the four Campus Iberus’ Universities, within the areas of specialization defined therein: Agri-Food and Nutrition, Energy and the Environment, Technologies for Health, and Heritage and Identity Memory.

More information:

Training and Capacity-Building in Colombia:

“Diplomado Internacional” in Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Project Management

Funding institution: Colombian Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MADR)
Duration: 5 months
Start/End Dates: 08/2015 – 12/2015
Budget: 1,5M€
Coordinator: Consorcio Campus Iberus (ES)
Partners: Organización de Estados Iberoamericanos para la Educación, la Ciencia y la Cultura (OEI)
Summary: The main goal of this project is to support socio-economic development of rural areas affected by the armed conflict in Colombia, by means of inclusive and empowering training and capacity-building on innovation, entrepreneurship, and support to family business creation. The project resulted in the implementation of 173 120-hour workshops across 110 municipalities of 21 departments of the country. Over a period of 4 months, 21.000 hours of training where delivered, and nearly 10.000 people where trained by 150 teachers from Colombian universities (Business University of Bogotá, the Free University of Colombia, the University of Nariño and the University Minuto de Dios) and Campus Iberus’ universities.
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Cross-Border Campus: Strenthening trans-regional and cross-border university-business collaboration to foster participation in H2020

Funding institution: European Union
Programme: Interreg POCTEFA (Interreg-V Spain-France-Andorra)
Call/Topic/Action: Call 2013, Priority axis 1: Reforzar la integración transfronteriza valorizando la complementariedad de las actividades económicas, de la innovación y del capital humano.
Project ID: EFA280/13
Duration: 36 months
Start/End Dates: 2013 – 2015
Budget: 211.980,62€
Coordinator: Consorcio Campus Iberus (ES)
Partners: Universidad de Zaragoza (ES), Universidad Pública de Navarra (ES), Universidad de La Rioja (ES), Universitat de Lleida (ES), Université de Pau et Des Pays de L’Adour (FR), Université Fédérale Toulouse Midi-Pyrénées (FR)
Summary: The EBROS2020 project aims to strengthen cross-border collaboration in research and innovation between the Universities of the EBRoS Cross-border Campus, made up of the Campus of Excellence International Iberus (University of Zaragoza, Public University of Navarre, University de la Rioja and University of Lleida) as well as the University of Pau and Pays de l’Adour and the Federal University Toulouse Midi-Pyrénées. At the same time, the project seeks to improve the interaction between the universities and the industrial fabric of the regions to promote innovation as a model of territorial, economic and social development. EBRoS2020 is the next step to advance the coordination between these universities, framed in the new European context of R&I, aiming to develop a strategy of joint for participation in H2020 through workshops, networking activities and transnational mobility of researchers and staff from the 6 universities.
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