International References

Below we share some examples and materials of our participation in different European and International fora and events, in which we have presented the Campus Iberus’ collaborative aggregation model:

The European University UNITA-Universitas Montium is one of the 41 university alliances selected by the European Commission through the emblematic initaitive Erasmus+ European Universities. UNITA brings together six universities from Italy, France, Spain, Portugal and Romania: Università degli Studi di Torino (coordinator), Université Savoie Mont Blanc, Universidad de Zaragoza, University of Pau and Adour Countries, West University of Timisoara, Universidade da Beira Interior. Campus Iberus is an associated partner of UNITA.

2020, September: EUROPEAN RESEARCH AREA (ERA) CORONA PLATFORM. Promoters: European Commission
The European Commission recognizes the project MSCA COFUND IBERUS TALENT – International Doctoral Programme for Talent Attraction to the Campus of International Excellence of the Ebro Valley, coordinated by Campus Iberus, as one of the H2020 funded projects with potential to contribute to fighting the COVID-19 pandemia.

2020, April 20: EUROPEAN PLATFORM OF INTEREST IN THE CIRCULAR ECONOMY (ECESP). Promoters: European Commission, European Economic and Social Committee
Publication of the Erasmus + Knowledge Alliance project “PackAlliance – European alliance for training in innovation and collaboration for future packaging” as good practice in the fields of education and circular economy.

2019, 4-5 June, Cobija (Bolivia): UE-CELAC INNOVACT – INNOVACIÓN PARA PROMOVER LA COHESIÓN SOCIAL (Peru-Bolivia border). Organiser: INNOVACT Platform consortium, European Commission.
Presentation: “Campus Iberus: Alianza estratégica y Modelo de agregación para una Especialización Inteligente

2019, 7 March, Brussels (Belgium): European Universities for the EU – A strategic approach for transnational coordination of Erasmus+ mobility consortia. Organiser: Campus Iberus
Agenda, presentations, participants list and photo gallery

2019, 4-5 February, Lisbon (Portugal): THEMATIC UNIVERSITY-BUSINESS FORUM “University Business Cooperation, an efficient blend for innovation and inclusive development”. Organiser: European Commission.
Presentation: “The Circular University Challenge: Academia-Industry interaction for a transition towards a Circular Economy“. Workshop WKSP 2.2. University-Business cooperation and circular economy.

2018, 11 October, Tacna (Peru): UE-CELAC INNOVACT – INNOVACIÓN PARA PROMOVER LA COHESIÓN SOCIAL (Peru-Chile border). Organiser: INNOVACT Platform consortium, European Commission.
Presentation: “Campus Iberus: Alianza estratégica, Modelo de agregación

2018, 13-17 March, Bogotá-Medellín-Barranquilla (Colombia): 1st STUDENTS FAIR “STUDY IN SPAIN” – COLOMBIA. Organiser: Spanish Agency for the Internationalisation of Education (SEPIE), IFEMA, Spanish Embassy in Colombia, Reyes Católicos School and Cultural Centre, University EAFIT, University del Norte (Barranquilla)

Agenda, final report, photos and press releases

2017, 2-3 November, Leticia (Colombia): UE-CELAC INNOVACT – INNOVACIÓN PARA PROMOVER LA COHESIÓN SOCIAL (Colombia-Peru border). Organiser: INNOVACT Platform consortium, European Commission.
Presentation: “Transferencia de conocimiento y tecnología como agente dinamizador de la innovación: El caso de Campus Iberus y la iniciativa transfronteriza EBRoS (Francia – España)”

2017, 11 October, Brussels (Belgium): EUROPEAN WEEK OF REGIONS AND CITIES 2017. Organiser: European Committee of the Regions, European Comission.
Presentation “Cross-border strategies of Higher Education Institutions”. Panel III “Challenges and opportunities for cross-border alliances between higher education and research institutions in Europe”

2017, 6-7 April, Brussels (Belgium): 7th UNIVERSITY-BUSINESS FORUM. Organiserc: European Committee of the Regions, European Commission.
Presentation “A regional University-Business Forum to boost the public-private cooperation“. Workshop 2.1 on “University-Business Cooperation and regional Innovation”.

2016, 18-19 October, San Sebastián (Spain): THEMATIC UNIVERSITY-BUSINESS FORUM “Universities and businesses: Building Euroregional Ecosystems”. Organiser: European Commission.
Session “University-Business Cooperation and the impact on urban, territorial and regional development“, Keynote K2.1: “Higher education and S3: towards the engaged university”

2016, 11-12 October, Brussels (Belgium): EUROPEAN WEEK OF REGIONS AND CITIES 2016. Organiser: European Committee of the Regions. European Commission.
Presentation “Synergies between ESI funds and H2020: Understanding how synergies work in practice” (in the frame of the H2020 NCP_WIDE.NET project)

2015, 24-25 September, Pau (Frances): EUROPEAN WEEK OF REGIONS AND CITIES 2015. Organiser: European Committee of the Regions. European Commission.
Presentation “Cross-border cooperation university: transforming borders through excellence

2015, 4-5 June, Riga (Latvia): WEEK OF INNOVATIVE REGIONS IN EUROPE 2015. Organiser: European Committee of the Regions. European Commission.
Presentation “Smart Interregional Cooperation for Strategic Territorial Development”. Session “A new role of interregional cooperation in Smart Specialisation”.

2015, 13 February, Brussels (Belgium): Official opening of Campus Iberus’ delegation in Brussels. Organiser: Campus Iberus
Agenda, presentations, participants list and photo gallery

 2014, 26 November, Dublin (Ireland): HIGHER EDUCATION AUTHORITY HEA Organiser: Department of Education and Skills, Government of Ireland
Presentation “From Regional Clusters to Knowledge Hubs: Unlocking the Potential

2014, 24 June, Brussels (Belgium): MOBILISING UNIVERSITIES FOR SMART SPECIALISATION CONFERENCE. Organiser: European Commission, European University Association (EUA).
Campus Iberus selected by the European Commission as a case-study on policy report “Mobilising Universities for Smart Specialisation”EUROPEAN RESEARCH AREA CORONA PLATFORM

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