CircularTalentLabs’ IV Edition

Recycling outside the home

The challenge

The challenge has been togenerate solutions that allow a greater quantity of packaging to be recovered in collective spaces, such as business centers, universities, stations, hospitals, etc.

The key to this challenge is to make recycling a reality, not only at home but also outside of it, through the development of a combined product, service or system that facilitates the collection of the containers generated in these types of spaces.

The team

Andrea Alido Martín

Degree in Graphic Design

Diana Andrés Sufrategui

Degree in Industrial Design Engineering and Product Development

Beatriz Arteche Urtasun

Degree in Product Design
Master in Design Engineering

Maider Etxaleku Esteiro

Degree in Interior Design
Master in Design of Commercial Spaces

Gabriel García-Izquierdo Llamas

Degree in Chemical Engineering

Inés Gil Ayllón

Degree in Food Science and Technology
Master in Food Safety

The result

Ticket service with Eco-pack
This ticket service for festivals with Eco-pack consists of a recycling system designed to be installed mainly at festivals with camping areas, although it is also adaptable to beaches and campsites.
This system will influence the environmental awareness of the citizen, since it connects the idea of recycling with a leisure setting where users are not used to recycling

Their experience

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