Talent attraction

International talent attraction programmes created and managed by Campus Iberus.

Is an H2020 Marie Slodowska-Curie Action Cofund programme for Experienced Researchers, meaning that they must be holding a PhD degree before the application deadline.

IberusExperience is an International Fellowship Programme for talent attraction, consolidation and retention at the Campus of International Excellence of the Ebro Valley offering 11 postdoctoral contracts to excellent researchers to develop individual research projects in the fields of Agrofood and Nutrition, Health Technologies, Energy and Sustainability, Social and Territorial Development and Circular Bio-economy in order to produce a positive effect in terms of excellent science with impact at the regional level.

Is an Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) programme cofunded by the EU as part of the H2020-Marie Slodowska Curie Action Cofund.

It is an International Doctoral Programme for Talent Attraction to the Campus of International Excellence of the Ebro Valley (IberusTalent) offering 36 predoctoral contracts to excellent ESRs to develop individual research projects in the fields of Agrofood and Nutrition and Health Technologies in order to produce a positive effect in terms of excellent science with impact at the regional level.

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